Gobblers Anonymous Club (no hens invited here)
The Human Class
"Okay listen up. Everybody here? Where's Corban?"
"Oh, he was at the crapper, sir, when we last eyeballed him. He was takin' a dump by the dumpster, but he don't have no woods pass."
"That's good, that's good, keep using human phrases like that, 'eyeballed him, ' that's yummy, Ignacio."
"Yes, Yehuda?
"Is we ever gonna get inside the Mudges to see things for real?"
"Never. Listen, Yehuda, see them shinny things Miss Janie has hanging on the wall by the time teller? Them things is where you want to stay a long way off from, understand? Ain't no way you want to become a Butterball, or worst than that, a casserole"
"Is that what they call pots, sir?"
"Yea, Mustafa. The closest you want to be to a pot is when them straggly human half poults is smokin' somthing."
"What now, Houston, can't you see I'm teachin' a human class?
"What's that shinny round white thing I see through the open door?
"That's where the humans take a dump. Now quiet, I'm lecturin."
"Oh, hell, now what? I'll never get through the curriculum. Agustin, fix your snood. You look like a recipe."
"Do the Mudges celebrate genocide day?
"Only once a year!"
(Mr. Terry recently took this photograph from inside his home.)
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